College Idiocy and Margueritas

Some days, I am an idiot. Today… was one of those days.

My mother, early today, had asked if the Roomaister and I wanted to go to lunch to a place called Bubbas 33. It is a regional chain of restaurants, that is delicious, and I will surely miss when I finally move into my house in the state of Kentucky. As she was offering to pay for everything, why not?

The Roommaister, my mother, John (not his real name. But he is my mother’s boyfriend, friend, or something. Whatever the hell he is) and I left in my itty bitty Prius C. Though, I am not a small person. I am 6 foot, built like an American football lineman. I have only been in the front seats in the three years I have owned this vehicle. The top of my head was touching the ceiling of the car. Bumps hurt.

By the end of this, I had drank two margueritas (it’s called an All American. I am not a big fan of margueritas in general, unless they come from a Mexican restaurant. But these damn things are delicious). By the end of this, I was pretty tipsy – considering they loaded these things up with tequila. The Roommaister could not finish hers, which is how I wound up drinking two.

Needless to say – I forgot today was the day my finals were due for college. I finished an in-depth programming final and a very large presentation for my other class in two hours, twenty minutes before the deadline.

Moral of the story, kids? If you’re in college (no underage drinking. I do not recommend. Not a fun time.) get your shit done before drinking.

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